Piliç Eti & Yumurta Üretimi
Kırnı family brings their delicious and secure products to your tables with their innovative and leading vision and has been the consumers’ favorite chicken meat brand for the last 54 years…

Areas of ActivityChicken Meat & Egg Produc...


Chicken Meat & Egg Production

Kırnı is the largest and the most modern integrated chicken producer in North Cyprus because of its innovative and leading vision. Our brand has international recognition as a result of its Middle East and Asia exports while it’s also providing for 85-90% of chicken meat and egg demands in North Cyprus.

Our chicken meat and egg production facilities conform with the European Union and World standards of food security, hygiene, and quality, and produces based on animal welfare. Our facilities have ISO 9001, ISO 14000, ISO 22000, HACCP, and HELAL certifications.

Monthly Production Capacities

Incubation entry
Broiler Chickens
Chicken Slaughtering
Table Eggs
Hatching Eggs

Applied During Production

Our Basic Principles

Civciv ve yumurta

Biosafety measures inside the coops and between farms

High quality feed optimization
Plant based diet for animals

A policy adopting the understanding of animal welfare

Halal production

TURKAK accredited production